Access to a quality education should not be a matter of zip code.
Bronx Academy of Letters is only a few miles from Manhattan’s Upper East Side – yet the differences between public schools in these two neighborhoods couldn't be starker. Bronx Letters is located in the poorest congressional district in the entire country, meaning our school's needs are great and resources inadequate. We believe our kids deserve better.
Our kids face daunting odds, yet, they succeed! Our graduation rate is nearly 88%, higher even than the citywide average!
What’s the secret? Our students have remarkable resilience and so much heart. Our teachers and staff are smart, passionate, and committed. But Bronx Letters Foundation makes all the difference.Without the money we raise, our school might be just another broken school in an overstretched public school system.
Because of your generosity, we can offer our 600 at-risk, high-needs students a safe space and life-changing skills opportunities.
Our foundation funds:
- overnight college visits for all students grades 6-12
- skill-building summer internships
- vibrant artist-in-residence program (music, writing and media)
- supplemental academic support
School is in session! Our programs are up and running. We hope you'll consider making a donation now.
Every child deserves an equal opportunity. Our students are full of promise but need a helping hand. Will it be yours?
Please send donations by check to:
Bronx Letters Foundation
1202 Lexington Ave., #202
New York, NY 10028